For +5 years, I had the dream of having my own company. I have worked in architecture and planning and had an idea that seemed promising to build a global company that could be one of the top companies in the world. You may laugh but that is what dreams are like. You laugh until it is really something real. It may seem not doable but it can have the potential to be a company that the founder can be proud of.

How it started

I had an idea that could change how the world would buy and sell any product. But I thought I would start small. Maybe it sounds weird, but to me, I felt that I needed an entrepreneurship education to be able to build a real company out of the ground. So I searched for a university degree, a master’s as I already had a bachelor’s and aimed higher also in terms of education.

About the startup idea

I saw a video on app. A woman was washing her face with some soap, the soap got into the sewage and from there, to the ocean. The same woman went to the restaurant and ordered fish and the fish from the ocean… This video popped up an idea in my mind. I thought that people need to know what products are eco-friendly and not harmful to the environment because that environment will affect our health in our food, water and the air that we depend on for our life.

The idea of an online platform came to my mind. A platform that could have all sustainable products with all the related information so could make it easier for the conscious consumer to decide what to buy.

Entrepreneurship is fussy

So I started my education and at the same time worked seriously on my startup idea with a group of my classmates. This meant success in the first step as I could attract others to work together on my dream company. After I finished my master’s studies, I worked with a couple of professionals as team members, business advisors, stakeholders and brand owners. So a lot of communication and marketing skills were involved that improved my related skillsets.

I developed a design-thinking mindset based on my architecture and planning background and entrepreneurship enabled me to better understand the customer and communicate with clients.

Developing my skillset for success

I attracted +50 brands from +20 countries and it was another success story for me that I could do it in the first year of focusing on marketing and idea development at the same time.

Entrepreneurship has been about a lot of ups and downs but I learned and grew along the way and now I am much more realistic than before. I have a lot of experience and have learned how the world works, which is also a valuable experience for me.

I am writing a book about my journey

For the ones who are interested in what happened to Clarenzy, I have a long story that took about 5 years to tell. It would be hard to compress it to a few sentences. But to give a summary, after I tried to find developers and funding secured, it took me a lot of energy, time, and money and left me with some thoughts that could not be enough to build a global company.

I am writing about my journey and share my valuable experience and story. You can sign up to be one of the first when my book is published! Digital PDF and audiobook will be available!




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